Moreover, only reviving the body is not enough, Arunasur also need to generate ‘praan’ also in that body. They are not among the ‘panchtatva devta’. He has made a mistake by taking Sun and Moon. They discuss that the 5 gods abducted by Arunasur are not enough to revive the dead body of Arunasur ‘s mother. Naarad talks with Brahma and Vishnu about Arunasur.

His subordinates tell him about Indra but Arunasur thinks all the Gods are afraid of him as the king of gods is so powerless… Arunasur is surprised about it!!! Indra tries to attack Arunasur with his ‘vajra’ but he is unable to hurt him. But soon, as Parvati takes control over the 5 tatvas, all the 5 tatvas start working properly, Indra understands that it must be the doing of mahadev or mata parvati. Indra is surprised to see all the gods get imprisoned. The saptarishi also come to Mahadev to know more about Arunasur. In Kailash, Kartikeya- Ganesh also show their concern about Parvati, Mahadev tells them that this responsibility will exhaust Parvati mentally and also from the level of energy.

Thus the creation again starts running smoothly. Mahadev tells her that it will be very hard but she answers that I am only concerned to maintain the creation properly as I am their Mother. The whole creation comes to a standstill without the 5 gods… Mahadev and Parvati also witness the difficult situation and Parvatui decides to play the role of all the 5 gods alone. Aruansur is happy that he has taken control over the 5 gods. Suryadev says that he tried to warn them about such outcome. Indra comes to Arunasur’s palace where the 5 gods are standing near the 5 temples. A previous scene with same kind of dialogue is also shown. In the beginning Mahadev tells Parvati something like now the time has come when Purush will need the help of Prakriti.
Devon ke dev mahadev episode 2 episode 206 update#
Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 15th December 2013 Written Episode, Devon ke Dev… Mahadev 15th December 2013 Written Update